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Interaction with Users

Our website uses API's provided by other websites to connect and access contents supplied by them. In addition to Google API's for map functions, we have included some interesting and important functions as shown below using facebook's API's:
• Using Google to display the locations of restaurants.
• "Like" button: we place facebook "like" buttons on all available pages to enable users to like them, eg users can like each other's profile page, our homepage or a business profile page. Users and business owners can access the facebook admin page of the like button on their pogo616 profile to find out who have liked it.

Registration process
• Login as a Registered User: visitors to the site can use most functions without creating an account or personal profile. Additional features are available to registered users to enable them to create contents and interact with other users.

• Login with facebook account: we enable users to login to our website directly with their Facebook account and skip our account registration and activation process.
• Transfer friends from facebook, using the API's from Facebook, our UI can transfer a complete list of friends from a user's facebook account. Users can then select who they want to add as friends on their pogo616 network.
• Direct access to other online profiles: By specifying their username or user ID on other websites, users can set up links on their pogo616 profile to point directly at their profile on other websites, greatly enhancing navigation across different social networks. For example, when users view their list of facebook friends on pogo616, they can click on their friend's name to go directly to their friend's profile on facebook.
• Updates on facebook: when users create or upload contents to pogo616, they can elect to notify their friends via posts on their facebook wall.

Facebook's api in pogo616