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Contribution to Society

pogo616 serves a global online community with a rich food and restaurant database and a powerful multilingual search engine. It provides a platform for food lovers and those who enjoy travel.
The site acts as a medium for cross-nation restaurant search, where it is extremely useful for those planning to travel to a foreign country and looking for restaurants.
The site also creates a channel for promoting various cuisines and cultures to different countries and communities.
Through our online social network, users and visitors to our site can communicate and interact with each other which will help in developing new relationships and strengthening existing relationships.
One of our goals is to develop the website into a valuable resource for food knowledge, food history and culture, dining etiquettes, food preparation tips, healthy eating and social awareness such as sustainable farming and fishing.
We hope to reduce language barriers between people and to increase communication and social interaction for people speaking different languages through the cuisines of the world.
Finally we hope to use food, the most basic human need, as a key to open everyone's heart, sharing the greatness and beauty of different cultures, and reducing animosity and conflicts among us.